Concord Family -- Please note the direct phone line numbers. #concordpride
Concord Community Schools are closed today in observance of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. #concordpride
Here is the link to this week's Minutemen Message from Concord High School: #concordpride
Aqui esta el enlace para el Mensaje Semanal de parte de la escuela secundaria Concord: #concordpride
Amazing work Minutemen! #concordpride
Exciting afternoon as our girls swimming team competes in NLC action. #concordpride
Off to a strong start in NLC girls swimming action this afternoon. Let’s go Minutemen! #concordpride
Wrestling in NLC action this morning. Let’s go Minutemen! #concordpride
Let’s go Minutemen! #concordpride
Boys basketball in action this evening against Plymouth. Minutemen are up 41-34 with 3:30 left in the fourth quarter. #concordpride
Career Center Students - Starting next week, you return to in-person learning every Tuesday, Thursday, and every other Friday.
Your first Friday is January 15. Please review the attached Friday bus route information. #concordpride
¡Hola familias de Concord! Los anuarios de la escuela secundaria se distribuirán durante la última semana de clases antes de las vacaciones de verano. ¡Haga clic aquí: para pedir una copia para su estudiante hoy!
Hello Concord Families! High School yearbooks will be distributed during the last week of school before summer break. Click here: to order a copy for your student today! #concordpride
Girls basketball in action this evening against Northwood up 36-31 in the 4th. #concordpride
Estudiantes de primer año entrantes -Clase de 2025-Estudiantes/ padres actuales de octavo grado: MARQUE SUS CALENDARIOS para una reunión de orientación el lunes 1 de febrero en Beickman de Concord Consulte este enlace para obtener más información:
Incoming Freshmen - Class of 2025 - Current Eighth Grade Students/Parents: MARK YOUR CALENDARS for an orientation meeting on Monday, February 1 @ Concord High School's Beickman Performing Arts Center. Check out this link for more info: #concordpride
JUNIORS - Make sure to review the class meeting material from today: #concordpride
SRT THIS WEEK: Freshmen and sophomore students will learn about the Career Center. Junior students have a class meeting in the BPAC.
Senior students will review a video to help with being successful this semester! #concordpride
Awesome Monday, Minutemen! Keep working hard. #concordpride
Off to a productive start to this meaningful Monday. #concordpride
Biology 1B working on Mitosis Lab in Mr. Culp’s class. #concordpride