High School Virtual Parent Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, February 10 5:15-7:00 PM
Teachers available by email, Google Meet, phone, and text message.
To find teacher contact info, check teacher Landing Page here: http://bit.ly/CHSLANDINGPAGE
Questions? Call (574) 875-6524
Musical theater returns to Concord’s BPAC!!! Tickets on sale now at concordtheater.ludus.com. #concordpride
Extra! Extra! Tickets are now on sale for Concord High School's production of Newsies! March 4 & 5 at 7:00 and March 7 at 2:00. More info in the link. Seating will be limited, so get your tickets soon!
concordtheater.ludus.com #concordpride
Seniors - The "BEST LIST" Voting is now open through February 26. Find the form on the Class of 2021 Google Classroom. #concordpride
Here is the link to this week's Minutemen Message from Concord High School: https://bit.ly/MINUTEMENMESSAGE. Aqui esta el enlace para el Mensaje Semanal de parte de la escuela secundaria Concord: https://bit.ly/MINUTEMENMESSAGE. #concordpride
Congrats to our girls swimmers winning the Sectional Championship! #concordpride
FIRST place finish and a SECTIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP! #concordpride
First place finish in the 100 backstroke in Sectional action today. #concordpride
Boys basketball in action this afternoon against Mishawaka. Minutemen lead 31-28 near the end of the third quarter. #concordpride
Minutemen take the first place finish in the 200 yard relay. #concordpride
Yes! Another first place finish for the Minutemen in the 500 free! #concordpride
First and second place finish in 100 free Sectional finals for the Minutemen! #concordpride
Another first place finish as the Minutemen come in take the 100 yard butterfly. #concordpride
Our third first place finish in Sectional action today as the Minutemen when the 50 yard freestyle event. #concordpride
Hard fought battle by our JV boys basketball. Great work Minutemen. #concordpride
Another first place finish for the Minutemen in the 200 yard freestyle in Sectional finals. #concordpride
First place finish by the Minutemen in the 200 yard medley relay in Sectional action today. #concordpride
First place finish by the Minutemen in the 200 yard medley relay in Sectional action today. #concordpride
Register for 2021 Concord Color Guard Auditions! Click the link and fill out the Google Form to receive your audition info pack! https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdxOrWZPzPf-y7VALuI0FWCFZkFx2LgPEwof3pBVXTXgcpF5w/viewform #concordpride
Wrestling in Regional action this morning. Let’s go Minutemen! #concordpride