Select juniors and seniors are required to complete ASVAB testing to meet their graduation requirements. Counselors will email those who are required to test. Testing dates are March 31 (A-K) and April 1 (L-Z) in McCuen Gym from 8:00-11:14 AM. Questions? Contact your counselor.
So proud of our Student Council members who presented at the LEAD Conference for student leadership. Their topics included: Leadership with Life Skills Students, Being the Backbone in the school, and Putting Ideas into Action. #concordpride
We are seeking parent volunteers to review textbook selections for next year. Please drop by on March 23 @ 3:30 to support our decision-making as we look to adopt new World Language, English, and AP World History textbooks. #concordpride
Grilled Cheese and Makeup? YES! TODAY Miss Sawyer is hosting a webinar series on building relationships & reconnecting after the virtual world. Mark your calendars:
MARCH 12 @ 1:30PM
Google Meet Code: CNOIEOZVME
S/O to our Academic Super Bowl teams who were in competition last evening! Great work Minutemen! #concordpride
LAST CHANCE TO DONATE - The CHS Dollars for Scholars Phone-a-thon is March 8 & 9. Text CONCORD to 24365 to donate online using a credit card. For more information, go online to Thank you for supporting our students! #concordpride
Grilled Cheese and Makeup? YES! Coming this Friday Miss Sawyer is hosting a webinar series on building relationships & reconnecting after the virtual world. Mark your calendars:
MARCH 12 @ 1:30PM
Google Meet Code: CNOIEOZVME
Grilled Cheese and Makeup? YES! Coming next Friday Miss Sawyer is hosting a webinar series on building relationships & reconnecting after the virtual world. Mark your calendars:
MARCH 12 @ 1:30PM
Google Meet Code: CNOIEOZVME
REMINDER - The CHS Dollars for Scholars Phone-a-thon is March 8 & 9. Text CONCORD to 24365 to donate online using a credit card. For more information, go online to Thank you for supporting our students! #concordpride
Limited amount of yearbooks left to sell for 2021. The yearbook will be delivered last week of school.
Order a copy for your student today!
Seniors - We are getting near the end! Stay strong. #concordpride
Seniors - Phone a Thon starts TONIGHT! #concordpride
Key Club Meeting this week. #concordpride
Pride Store items are on sale during lunches. #concordpride
Seniors - Important scholarship deadlines! #concordpride
Choir audition info. #concordpride
Check out these Finals Week resources: #concordpride
Here is the link to this week's Minutemen Message from Concord High School: Aqui esta el enlace para el Mensaje Semanal de parte de la escuela secundaria Concord: #concordpride
Student Drivers - On Monday and Tuesday, please avoid parking directly behind the Activity Center. #concordpride
REMINDER - The CHS Dollars for Scholars Phone-a-thon is March 8 & 9. Text CONCORD to 24365 to donate online using a credit card. For more information, go online to Thank you for supporting our students! #concordpride