Students from Concord Ox Bow and Concord South Side launched a weather balloon on Friday!
Learn more:
The weather balloon climbed to an altitude of more than 100,000 feet before popping and landing in Lake Michigan, nearly 10 miles off the short of St. Joe, where the Coast Guard helped retrieve the rig.
Learn more about the recovery mission:
Excellent work to all involved in this super science project! #ConcordPride
Successful Weather Balloon Launch. We stopped for lunch and will resume our search soon!
Leadership Day was a Success!
Ox Bow Student -Led Conference Day. It was a great day!
Leadership Day was a success! Students had a chance to share about their learning with a VIP. #GREATDAYATOXBOW
These students received the Leader in Excellence Award in April for Habit 6, Synergize #TogetherisBetter.
These students are Heart Heroes! On Monday night at the School Board Meeting they shared the good news that Ox Bow raised $7777 for the American Heart Challenge. These students were our top fundraiser! #LeadersInAction!
These students received the Leader in Excellence Award in March for Habit 5: Seek First To Understand, Then To Be Understood #Listenbeforeyoutalk.
Turn your curious kids (grades K-6) into innovative thinkers this summer at Camp Invention at Concord Ox Bow!
Camp will take place the week of June 13-17 and spots are running out! Secure your spot today and save $15 by using SUM15! at #ConcordPride
Attention NEW kindergarten families! Enroll today and some FREE Concord Swag is yours to enjoy! Follow these steps:
1. Enroll online at on or before April 15
2. Stop by the Concord Education Center for your swag! #ConcordPride #WelcomeHomeToConcord
Ox Bow participated in a canned food drive to benefit Church Community Services last week. We collected over 1,100 items to be donated! Great job giving back to the community Ox Bow students!
Don't forget Spring Picture Day is tomorrow, 03/31/2022! Order online at Only those students who preorder will be photographed. We can't wait to see those beautiful smiles!
Picture Day for Concord Ox Bow Elementary School is scheduled for Thursday, March 31, 2022 and this Picture Day event's Order Code is 68174WF.
In the all new "Explore" program at Camp Invention, children will get to design their own marble arcade, build an underwater habitat for their robotic fish, explore space and discover different inventions that have transformed the way
people create.
Camp will be coming to Ox Bow Elementary this summer during the week of June 13-17! Register your rising K-6th grader for a week of fun at #ConcordPride
To learn more, watch this video created by Ox Bow STEM Teacher Adam Yoder:
Exciting day for Ox Bow students as they celebrated reading with the Concord Cheer program. Thanks for spending time with Ox Bow students. March is National Reading Month.
Ox Bow CDBL players are cheering on the Varsity Basketball Team tonight in the sectional semifinals. Go Big Green!
CHS cast of Anastasia came to visit Ox Bow last week. Don't miss the chance to see this show! The Sunday matinee features a Royal Tea Party for little princes and princesses at 12:30. Show times are Thursday, March 3 and Friday, March 4 at 7:00 and Sunday, March 6 at 2:00.
Thank You Bus Drivers! We Appreciate You!
Concord High School Theater Department presents Anastasia. #Don'tmissout
REGISTER for CCS' TEACHER RECRUITMENT FAIR! Don't forget that we are hosting a teacher recruitment fair on Tuesday, March 22nd at 4:30pm. We're interviewing for all teaching positions. Please sign up!