Plan to attend the Tailgate this THURSDAY! Cost is $5 and includes admission, a drink & snack. Stay after school, hang out with your friends and support both CJHS wrestlers & Make-A-Wish. #grantingwishesissweet
12 months ago, Katie Shelton
Wrestling tailgate
Here is the link to this week's CJHS Message from Concord Junior High School: Aquí está el enlace al mensaje de CJHS de esta semana de Concord Junior High School: #concordpride #wintoday #youmatterCJHS
12 months ago, Betsy McEachern
CJHS Weekly Message
CJHS, come out & support our wrestlers and Make-A-Wish on 2/22/24! Tail Gate cost is $5 and includes admission, a drink & snack. Stay after school, hang out with your friends and support CJHS. #grantingwishesissweet
12 months ago, Katie Shelton
Wresting Tailgate 2/22
March is Make-A-Wish month at CJHS! Registration is now open for our 5K Race/1 mile fun run/walk and strength competitions! Please join us on March 23 to support our efforts. Click the link above to register. #grantingwishesissweet
12 months ago, Katie Shelton
Race for Wishes
Here is the link to this week's CJHS Message from Concord Junior High School: Aquí está el enlace al mensaje de CJHS de esta semana de Concord Junior High School : #concordpride #wintoday #youmatterCJHS
12 months ago, Betsy McEachern
CJHS Weekly Message
LAST CHANCE!! TODAY is the last day to order this year's Make-A-Wish T-shirt! The store closes TONIGHT at 11:59. All orders will be delivered in time for the opening ceremony on March 1. #grantingwishesissweet
12 months ago, Katie Shelton
Last Chance!
Don't Miss Out....the online store to order this year's Make-A-Wish T-shirt closes TOMORROW! All orders will be delivered in time for the opening ceremony on March 1. #grantingwishesissweet
about 1 year ago, Katie Shelton
Orders due Tomorrow!
Here is the link to this week's CJHS Message from Concord Junior High School: Aquí está el enlace al mensaje de CJHS de esta semana de Concord Junior High School : #concordpride #wintoday #youmatterCJHS
about 1 year ago, Betsy McEachern
CJHS Weekly Message
Don't Miss Out....the online store to order this year's Make-A-Wish T-shirt closes on February 7 at 11:59 am. All orders will be delivered in time for the opening ceremony on March 1. #grantingwishesissweet
about 1 year ago, Katie Shelton
Don't Miss Out....
Winter may be upon us, but we're looking forward to baseball season. Concord Little League registration is underway, register today at: Questions? Email us at NEW REGISTRATION CLOSE DATE IS MARCH 1, 2024!
about 1 year ago, Concord Schools
Our Make-A-Wish fundraiser will be here before you know it! Help support our efforts by purchasing this year's shirt. The online store is ONLY open for seven more days, so place your order NOW! Shirts will be delivered in time to wear for the opening ceremony, March 1.
about 1 year ago, Katie Shelton
T-shirt QR code
Here is the link to this week's CJHS Message from Concord Junior High School: Aquí está el enlace al mensaje de CJHS de esta semana de Concord Junior High School : #concordpride #wintoday #youmatterCJHS
about 1 year ago, Betsy McEachern
CJHS Weekly Message
March is Make-A-Wish month at CJHS! One way to support this cause is to purchase a T-shirt. Orders will be delivered by March 1, in time to wear for the opening ceremony. Use the following link to order: #grantingwishesissweet
about 1 year ago, Katie Shelton
MAW T-shirt sale
Here is the link to this week's CJHS Message from Concord Junior High School: Aquí está el enlace al mensaje de CJHS de esta semana de Concord Junior High School : #concordpride #wintoday #youmatterCJHS
about 1 year ago, Betsy McEachern
CJHS Weekly Message
CJHS 2 hr. delay - Wednesday, Jan. 17th
about 1 year ago, Betsy McEachern
2 Hour Delay
Concord Community Schools will be closed tomorrow (Tuesday, January 16th) due to inclement weather. Students will participate in virtual learning from home. Online classes will start for all students at 9:00 a.m. using Google Meet. Schools will provide the class schedule via text and email. More information: Las escuelas comunitarias de Concord estarán cerradas mañana (martes 16 de enero) debido al mal tiempo. Los estudiantes participarán en el aprendizaje virtual desde casa. Las clases en línea comenzarán a las 9 a. m. para todos los estudiantes que utilicen Google Meet. Las escuelas proporcionarán horarios de clases por mensaje de texto y correo electrónico. Más información:
about 1 year ago, Concord Schools
inclement weather graphic
inclement weather graphic
Here is the link to this week's CJHS Message from Concord Junior High School: Aquí está el enlace al mensaje de CJHS de esta semana de Concord Junior High School : #concordpride #wintoday #youmatterCJHS
about 1 year ago, Betsy McEachern
CJHS Weekly Message
Here is the link to this week's CJHS Message from Concord Junior High School: Aquí está el enlace al mensaje de CJHS de esta semana de Concord Junior High School : #concordpride #wintoday #youmatterCJHS
about 1 year ago, Betsy McEachern
CJHS Weekly Message
Happy 2024! This year, CJHS will once again host our biennial fundraiser on behalf of Make-A-Wish. The goal of this project is to teach students the meaning of “philanthropy.” #Granting Wishes Is Sweet!
about 1 year ago, Katie Shelton
Granting Wishes is Sweet!
Wear your favorite holiday pajamas tomorrow! Holiday headgear is being sold in the Commons tomorrow morning for $2 each. Net proceeds benefit Make-A-Wish. Happy Holidays!
about 1 year ago, Katie Shelton
NIght Before