We had the honor of celebrating our retirees during our annual Concord End of Year Celebration on Friday, May 27! Our retirees this year had more than 500 years of combined service to Concord! We are so grateful for all of their efforts and wish them a fun and relaxing retirement!
Congrats to our Class of 2022 Retirees: Geri Angel, Steve Austin, Gay Burton, Renee’ Cocanower, Mike Elijah, Amy Fields (not pictured), Terri Gaff, Deb Haffner, Priscilla Hartsough, Dawn Helm, Sue Kime, Lynn Mulroy, Judy Preheim, Leslie Rectanus (not pictured), Becky Shail-Hamilton, Martha Shoff, Dan Ogle, and Kathy Van Elk.
Congrats and many thank yous to the retirees from Concord West Side this year! Dawn Helm, Leslie Rectanus, and Lynn Mulroy — We appreciate you and all you’ve done to make West Side a special place! #ConcordPride
The weather balloon launched earlier today (May 20) by Concord East Side and Concord West Side students was found near Leslie, Michigan. It landed on a farm. A nice man was able to walk out our students to the farm to retrieve our weather balloon. #ConcordPride
Winners of the 2022 Concord Corporation Art Show were recognized on Monday by the Concord School Board! Congrats to all and thank you for sharing your talents with the community! #ConcordPride
A full list of winners can be found at: https://www.concordschools.com/article/748561
Looking for a FUNomenal summer of adventure?
Children ages 5 to 12 will enjoy weekly theme-based activities designed to be FUN and strengthen their academic skills. Days will be filled with friendship, games and fun challenges designed to keep kids learning, active and engaged throughout the summer break. All field trips and activities are included in the weekly fee.
Registrations for the 1st week of KidsCare Summer Program at Concord South Side are due by May 20th! More info: https://www.greatfutures.club/become-a-member-summer
Fifth-grade students at Concord Intermediate designed and built rockets and had a chance to send them flying high into the sky on Monday! This project is an engaging way to teach students about problem-solving, engineering and design, and aerodynamics. #ConcordPride
Jumpstart is an opportunity to give students an early Kindergarten experience and will be held Aug. 8-11. The deadline to register is May 20!
Register at this link: bit.ly/kinderjumpstart2022
More details: https://www.concordschools.com/o/csse/article/739340
Students from Concord Ox Bow and Concord South Side launched a weather balloon on Friday!
Learn more: https://wsbt.com/news/local/fourth-grade-students-launch-weather-balloon
The weather balloon climbed to an altitude of more than 100,000 feet before popping and landing in Lake Michigan, nearly 10 miles off the short of St. Joe, where the Coast Guard helped retrieve the rig.
Learn more about the recovery mission: https://www.abc57.com/news/concord-schools-weather-balloon-lands-in-lake-michigan
Excellent work to all involved in this super science project! #ConcordPride
We're sharing this great staff photo of the team at Concord West Side Elementary that was taken last week, along with a thank you to this group who truly live out their "Whatever it Takes" motto for students! Thank you! #ConcordPride
Our sincere gratitude and thanks to Nic Minder, Concord’s first Chief of Police, as he completes his final day with us today! Thank you for everything you’ve done to ensure the safety of our students and staff over the years! See you soon! #ConcordPride
The Concord Jazz Cafe will return to McCuen Gym on Friday, May 20! Tickets are $20 per person and include tickets to the show and dinner. The event begins at 6:00 p.m. Get your tickets today! https://concordmusic.ludus.com/ #ConcordPride
Kindergarten students at Concord East Side have been studying animals and their habitats and on Wednesday had the opportunity to visit the Potawatomi Zoo in South Bend! #ConcordPride
The All School Band Festival returned to McCuen Gym this week as the performing arts department celebrated the 58th annual event! It was incredible to see -- and hear -- all of these performers in one location! #ConcordPride
The Concord Choral Department will present the 50th Pops Concert on Friday (May 13) and Saturday (May 14) at the BPAC! We are celebrating 50 years of choral excellence at Concord with an alumni choir and soloists throughout the concert! Tickets: https://concordmusic.ludus.com
This afternoon’s retiree celebration at Concord Ox Bow recognized six staff members for their many years of service! Priscilla Hartsough, Mike Elijah, Becky Shail-Hamilton, Amy Fields, Deb Haffner, and Sue Kime, you will be missed! Thank you! #ConcordPride
Concord School Board members Kelly Barr and Jared Sponseller were recently honored with Exemplary Governance Awards by the Indiana School Boards Association! Thank you for all you do for us. We appreciate your service to our community! #ConcordPride
Congratulations to the Concord High School Wind Ensemble for qualifying for the Indiana State Concert Band Finals! The state contest is Saturday and we're so proud to have them representing our district at the state level! #ConcordPride
CCSPD was featured in ABC57’s Beyond the Badge series!
Officer John Riddle described Concord as a close-knit community.
“I think the students connect with us and it's just been a great opportunity and a great experience,” Riddle said. “If you show them who you are and you’re just a normal person, you know, I’ve mended some of those fences the short time I’ve been here with some of those kids that had bad experiences with police and that makes it all worthwhile.”
Thank you, Concord Community Schools PD for everything you do to make Concord schools a safe place for all! #ConcordPride
We had such fun welcoming our incoming Kindergarten students during Kindergarten Roundup last week! We are continuing to accept kindergarten enrollments online at www.concordschools.com/enroll.
If you live out of district, the deadline to apply is May 27! Don't delay!
REMINDER: The Concord Community Schools Annual Corporation Art Show is TONIGHT! Join us in the CHS Community Lecture Room from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Wednesday, April 17. Enter through the McCuen Gym doors.
Congrats to our student artists! #ConcordPride