Concord High School

59117 Minuteman Way

Elkhart, Indiana 46517

(574) 875-6524

Dr. Seth Molnar - Principal

Kendra Divine - Associate Principal 

Denise Tahara - Associate Principal

Jeffrey Petty - Assistant Principal

Amanda Whittaker - Assistant Principal

High School Staff List

The staff of Concord High School is committed to the philosophy that all students should have the best educational opportunities that a community can provide. CHS is further committed to the principle that its curriculum and programs should be instituted according to students’ individual needs. Programs at Concord High School are both student-oriented and teacher-directed in an effort to inspire students to develop a real love for learning. 

The staff takes an active role in preparing students for participation in a changing, technical world. It recognizes that students need a dynamic educational program in step with modern technology and trends to be aware of the responsibilities they will assume as productive contributors to our ever-changing society.

CHS seeks to provide the continuing development of school programs and policies through staff development, appropriate facilities, and community involvement. Following are the graduate outcomes of Concord High School.