New hire paperwork
Job postings
Employment records
Extra-duty assignments
Licenses and permits
Changes to personal information
Insurance enrollment
Leave of absence forms
Workers' Compensation
Background checks
Equal Employment Opportunity
Conditions of employment
Employee recruitment and retention
Board policies and guidelines
Fair labor practices
Reasonable accommodation
Civil rights investigations
HELP! I have a question, and I don't know who to ask!
We know how important it is to answer your wage and benefit-related questions, and our goal is to answer all of your questions in a timely manner. To do so, here are the people you can contact along with their areas of focus.
Shad Hartsough can help you with...
Sara Schwindaman can help you with...
Paychecks and pay stubs
TimeClock Plus and timesheets
Paid-leave days or hours
Tax withholdings
Beckie Copsey can help you with...
TRF or PERF accounts
American Fidelity benefits
Historical pay records
Sandy Bauer can help you with...
Purchase orders
Outstanding invoices
Reimbursement for approved expenses
Courtney Boots can help you with...
Corporation financial transactions
Management of funds and resources
Jim Evans can help you with...
Budget revenues, allocations, and expenditures
Financial reports
Corporation investments
Capital project planning
Internal controls and procedures
Property casualty insurance
Food service operations